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Cost of Roof Inspections

Roof Inspection Cost Factors

The cost of inspecting a roof will increase or decrease based upon a number of factors. This article is intended to provide you a checklist of questions to ask yourself and your roof inspector.

This key will serve as your guide:

$0 = No additional cost
$ = Standard cost
$$ = Additional cost

Questions to Ask Yourself:

Why does my roof need to be inspected?

$ - When the inspection is part of a regular maintenance routine.

$$ - When there is a known issue that will require repair.

$$ - When a new roof has just been installed.

$$ - When the inspection is needed in order to buy or sell a home and a certificate of inspection is needed.

What kind of home do I live in?

$0 - One story home.

$ - Standard, two story home with 2,000 sq ft roof.

$$ - Apartment building or home with more than two stories.

How old is the roof being inspected?

$ - When the roof is less than 20 years old.

$$ - When the roof is over 20 years old.

What type of roof do I have?

$ - For an asphalt or basic metal roof.

$$ - For a tile, copper, slate or wood roof.

$$ - For a flat roof.

+ Learn More about Types of Roofing

Are there any architectural features that may complicate the inspection?

$ - When there are no complicated features.

$$ - When the roof is very steep.

$$ - When there are skylights or dormers.

Do I need a certificate of inspection or inspection report?

$ - When the inspection is for informational purposes only.

$$ - When a roof certification is needed, giving a detailed report of the expected life of the roof and any current or potential issues. (The inspection should be valid for 2-5 years. Many include a warranty and will come with photos of your roof).

Does the roof need to be checked for heat leaks?

$ - When the roof is just visually inspected.

$$ - When the roof is checked for heat leaks with infrared technology.

Outside of the roof itself, are there any other parts of the house that need to be inspected?

$$ - When gutters, downspouts, chimneys, fascia and soffits are also inspected.

$$ - When the interior of the home is also inspected to check for potential roofing issues.

Ask the Pro:

1. How long do you expect the inspection of the roof to take?

2. Will you be taking any pictures of the roof?

3. Will you inspecting the roof from the ground or will you be walking the roof?

4. Are you (and your crew) licensed and insured?

5. Will I receive a detailed report on the condition of the roof?

6. Is a roof certification included in the cost of inspection?

7. Will you be checking for cracks, rotting, water damage, and termite damage?

8. Do you have any references that I might be able to contact?

9. Will you only be inspecting the roof or will you also inspect the condition of the gutters, chimney, and downspouts?

10. Can you recommend a roofing contractor if any repairs are necessary?


+ Cost of Home Inspection

+ ProAnswers: Is a roof inspection considered an additional charge when conducting a typical home inspection?

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About the Author

ProMatcher Staff, ProMatcher
Orlando, FL 32803

If you would like to re-print this article, please contact the author.
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