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Can I put more than one layer of asphalt shingles on my roof?

In most cases
In some cases
Not sure
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Question: Can I put more than one layer of asphalt shingles on my roof?
Top Answer (57% of 35 votes): In some cases.

Answer: Never
Explanation: U never want to put more then one layer of shingles on ur roof
Srp inc.
Answer: In some cases
Explanation: It is not recommended
Roofing Repairs 911
Answer: Never
Explanation: Not allowed by Code
Roofer Mike Inc
Answer: In some cases
Explanation: In over 800 roof installs, we have only completed 3 shingle over projects.
Answer: In most cases
Explanation: yes you can have several layers but it is not recommended.
Aci Exteriors LLC
Answer: In some cases
Explanation: Depending on the area you live. Here in the south we recommend one layer only do to the high humidity we get in the summers
Cape Fear Exteriors
Answer: Never
Explanation: We are against doing it. There are no warranties when this is done and can destroy plywood
American roofing &remodeling
Answer: In most cases
Explanation: Even though it is allowed by the state building code, we will not do it because it is an inferior process and is not the standard that we uphold for our roofing jobs.
Allegiant Roofing, LLC
Answer: In some cases
Explanation: Not recommend
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