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Will roof cleaning improve the energy efficiency of a home?

It may help the roof retain less heat.
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Question: Will roof cleaning improve the energy efficiency of a home?
Top Answer (46% of 112 votes): Yes.

Answer: No
Explanation: Other than taking some light chemical and a hose to your roof to try and remove algae, it is not good for the grit on the shingles to power wash as it will increase the time it takes to deteriorate your shingles.
Answer: Yes
Explanation: It helps save the roof from debris and potential damage and will save you money in the long run
Wilkersons roofing pros LLC
Answer: Yes
Explanation: If a roof is properly installed and the home has adequate ventilation, it will be more energy efficient.
T & J Xteriors
Answer: Yes
Explanation: The answer is dependent on the color of the roof shingle. A lighter colored roof shingle that is stained or has moss growing on it will adsorb more solar heat energy than a clean and reflective lighter colored shingle.
Northeast Hydro Clean
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Contact 4 Square Roofing today at to learn more about roof cleaning on your residential home or commercial business.
4 Square Roofing
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Keeping your roof clean can help to improve the energy efficiency of your home, as debris and dirt can trap heat and make your home harder to cool.
All American Pressure Cleaning
Answer: No
Explanation: Clean the roof extend the life of your roof but will not improve your energy efficiency. On a flat roof, always a good practice to clean and maintain your roof.
Colorado Front Range Roofing
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Miami roofing systems endure a constant onslaught from Mother Nature. Roof cleaning and maintenance is essential to ensure that homeowners receive full value for their roofing dollar. Roof algae (technically a bacteria), scientifically named Gloeocapsa Magma, thrives in warm climates such as here in the Miami, Fl. area. It is that algae which turns roofs, and almost everything else black, over time. A black roof will absorb the sun's rays and retain heat much more than a clean roof, especially a clean WHITE roof.
Roofer Mike Inc
Answer: It may help the roof retain less heat.
Explanation: Removing the dark heat absorbing stains on your shingles helps to keep your roof cooler, and more energy efficient. Explanation: Professional roof cleaning at least once a year can increase energy efficiency of your property.
Cleanscapes LLC
Answer: No
Explanation: When you have an infestation of mold, algae etc on your roof, roof washing will eliminate them to help in prolonging the life of your roof.
IC Cleaning Services
Answer: It may help the roof retain less heat.
Explanation: Yes a clean roof will improve energy efficiency. Roofs covered in black and green algae absorb uv sun rays just as dark clothing. Algae, lichen and mold also hold moisture and prevent uv ray light reflection which not only decreases shingle life but increases heat absorbing into attic space. Thus the thermal heat absorption increasing warms ceilings like an electric blanket. The result increased energy bill, harder working hvac unit, deterioration of roof shingle and roof sheathing plywood. Tile roofs will pit from algae decreasing rain runoff. And on asphalt shingle roofing algae is actually feeding on the lime stone granules which just becomes an infestation. Roof cleaning is a specialized treatment much like pest control. The results are impressive. No other same day service transforms curb appeal like roof cleaning.
Target Pressure
Answer: It may help the roof retain less heat.
Explanation: With a dirty roof slot of heat and even moisture can be trapped causing a higher electric bill
T&K Remodelers
Answer: It may help the roof retain less heat.
Explanation: sealing flashings and adding insulation will contribute to being more air tight. Applying a white or light roof is know on (flat) to contribute up to 50% less energy consumption.
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Roof Cleaning in Most Cases will Reduce The Heat in the Attic Do to a Lighter / Brighter Colar of the Roof Black Roof,s Retain more Heat , A Vast Majority of Roof,s in the 50,s,60,s & 70,s were Painted White for that Reason , White & Light Colar Roof,s Reflect Heat Better
Rays Professional Exterior Cleaning & Restoration
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Moss and algae will absorb heat
J and r contracting
Answer: Yes
Explanation: We do over $25,000 a week in repair work due to lack of maintenance on homes. Mainly tile roof homes. Debris gets underneath the tile causing water to pond and go behind the felt into your home. Maintenance and keeping your roof clean will prevent over 80% of all roof leaks!
Garner Roofing Inc
Answer: No
Explanation: It will prolong the life of the roof
Exteriors Inc
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Ice Dams can cause many problems to a property
Bento Snow Removal Service
Answer: Yes
Explanation: the darker the roof the more heat it will attract therfore more energy is needed by your a/c unit to keep your home cool.
Benitez pressure washing
Answer: It may help the roof retain less heat.
Explanation: Yes, because you remove fungus or algae when your roof is properly cleaned.This same algae in large amounts causes the shingles to not work effectively in making your home more energy efficient.
G&G Handyman Services
Answer: Yes
Explanation: A roof surface covered in moss, algae, and dirt will not function as efficiently as it was designed to do. Heat will not be reflected as intended and moss will hold moisture and may lift shingles causing leaks and rot.
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Reflective roofs will lose their reflective properties if left covered in dirt, etc.
Mr. Iceman Co. Roofing
Answer: No
Explanation: Dirt on a roof will not effect live expectancy or energy efficiency
roof masters
Answer: Yes
Explanation: yes cause dirty roofs will break down shingles and cause damage to homes
Barletta Home Improvements
Answer: It may help the roof retain less heat.
Explanation: As you clean the residue and build up that the roof accumulates, there will be less debris that can heat up the the inside of a home.
XTRM Roofing Company
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Yes a clean roof will improve energy efficiency. Roofs covered in black and green algae absorb uv sun rays just as dark clothing. Algae, lichen and mold also hold moisture and prevent uv ray light reflection which not only decreases shingle life but increases heat absorbing into attic space. Thus the thermal heat absorption increasing warms ceilings like an electric blanket. The result increased energy bill, harder working hvac unit, deterioration of roof shingle and roof sheathing plywood. Tile roofs will pit from algae decreasing rain runoff. And on asphalt shingle roofing algae is actually feeding on the lime stone granules which just becomes an infestation. Roof cleaning is a specialized treatment much like pest control. The results are impressive with appearance when a black infested roof is transformed in hours to white or barred tile orange. No other same day service transforms curb appeal like roof cleaning.
Sterling House Wash
Answer: Yes
Explanation: By cleaning the roof it reflex more of the damaging uv ray of the sun and also helps stop detearion of the roofing suface there for exstending the life of the roofing materials you have
metal masters
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Absolutely, those "black streaks" one your roof are commonly mistaken for your being "old". Your roof is typically not old but is growing a type of algae within & on the surface on your singles. The algae will help your roof trap in heat. Due to increased roof temperature this will increase cooling cost for this inside of your home. Removal & killing of the algae will correct this problem.
Another Level Cleaning Services
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Yes, as your roof ages building up dirt, fungus and other types of particles the reflectivity of your roof system will decrease. A good cleaning will not only restore the natural beauty of your roof but also help it reflect radiant heat from the sun thus saving you on your home energy costs because your air unit will have to run less to maintain a comfortable temperature.
Roman Roofing Inc
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Removing the dark heat absorbing stains on your shingles helps to keep your roof cooler, and more energy efficient.
Wash-It Services
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Professional roof cleaning at least once a year can increase energy efficiency of your property.
All Around Roofing and Exteriors Inc
Answer: No
Explanation: Debris on the roof will make it leak. But it has no impact on energy efficiantcy.
Exterior Systems Roofing
Answer: Yes
Explanation: The fungus on your roof retains water and absorbs the heat of the sun. Removing the black fungus will help to deflect the sun's rays keep your home cooler in the summer and help to reduce your electric bill.
Wash Works odf SWF
Answer: Yes
Explanation: a clean roof waste lees energy from the heat wire and it makes an aditional 19% of your electrical bill
winter works
Answer: No
Explanation: Low pressure roof cleaning will remove the streaks, algae, lichen etc. It will improve the curb appeal of your home no question but will not improve the energy efficiency.
Superior Pressure Washing
Answer: It may help the roof retain less heat.
Explanation: Each roof is different. In our opinion there is no definitive answer. It would most likely depend on severity.
Patriot Pro Clean Inc
Answer: No
Explanation: If it is metal, it might help the reflection of UV rays, otherwise no
True transformations
Answer: Yes
Explanation: When mold and alge build up it causes the shingles to raise and decreases the shingles productiveoty.
X-Stream Pressure Washing & Roof Cleaning
Answer: No
Explanation: but in some cases you can use either a roof sealer products or roof elastomeric coating which prevents bothhelp you conserve on home energy costs.
Colorful Homes Painting And Restoration
Answer: No
Explanation: Adequate roof system ventilation and blown-in attic insulation. Most insurance companies will discount for blown-in insulation. Contact Us For A Free Estimate and Consultation
Answer: No
Explanation: The only thing that helps energy efficiency is ventilation or insulation. Cleaning a shingle will do nothing
American roofing &remodeling
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Debris and algae will hold heat preventing heat escape
Answer: No
Explanation: It will do more damage to the roof by removing the granules that protects the asphalt. Any energy savings will be negligible, Its not worth the damage.
Exterior Systems Roofing
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Don't use beach or laundry detergent. They eat roofs. Use products that approved for roofs. Never power wash your roof. Power washing causes gradual loss. Use a lief blower or gently sweep. You can get them at hardware stores. Cleaning your roof helps prevent moss and debris from building up in crevasses and lifting the edges of shingles.
Leak Seal Roofing Inc
Answer: No
Explanation: It will not inprove energy,it will just look clean.
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