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What type of slate roofing material is the most energy efficient?

Natural slate
Synthetic slate
There is no difference
Not sure
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Question: What type of slate roofing material is the most energy efficient?
Top Answer (32% of 28 votes): Natural slate.

Answer: Not sure
Explanation: Idk
BPersonal Contracting
Answer: Natural slate
Explanation: The installation process starts with the bare decking of the roof what you use as an underlayment or how many layers of underlayment will ultimately affect the insulation value. No matter what kind roof system you are planning to put over it.
Answer: There is no difference
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4 Square Roofing
Answer: Natural slate
Explanation: they transfer the heat better than the synthetic and they last many times longer in some cases natural slate roofs have lasted hundreds of years what mostly happens is the framing below rots out or the nails rust away befor the slate gives out on the roof
metal masters
Answer: Natural slate
Explanation: Synthetic slate is sub standard and is not advisable reguardless of what the manufacturer claims.
Exterior Systems Roofing
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